About the Valpo Shelter

Learn our history of how we came to exist. The story is definitely interesting, yet sad at the same time.

Valpo Shelter
Humble Beginnings

Humble Beginnings

This may be long but crucial in helping learn why this is important to all of our communities and why we need your help. Together we can all be part of the solution.

Valpo Shelter has grown from a resource for Valparaiso & Porter County, Indiana. In 2008, Valpo Shelter was created to solve homelessness in Porter County, Indiana in ten years. I find this extremely commendable but also short sided that a problem, like homelessness, could be solved in ten years and then forgotten. This isn't a problem with those that started or ran the program as they did so out of the goodness and kindness of their hearts and is what all of us should be doing. Great progress was made but like all projects at the end of thier intended life was left to "die" (my words).

What is Homelessness?

What is Homelessness?

When I first started this my personal thoughts on homelessness was

  1. It was someone else's problem.
  2. They lived on the street.
  3. It was their fault or doing that put them there.

I can say I was wrong in every way. In fact, I have been homeless now twice in my life. If it wasn't for families and friends I would be on the streets. I want to help and as I talk to people they also want to help but don't know how. Below you will find a lot of honesty, possibly too much.

Homeless people are those that have run into a wall in life and need their communities assistance. Not to live off of, but to help them. They've fallen and need empathy and kindness. Not just a handout.

Those that are homeless have:

  • Bigger hearts than many of us.
  • Most do not want to be homeless.
  • 1 in 4 are dealing with some type of mental illness.
  • Women that are victims of domestic violence.
  • Housing costs are too high (above 30% of their income was spent on housing).
  • 81% are male, 29% are female.
  • 11% of homeless are veterans (male and female).
  • The average age is 45.9.
  • Many homeless live in cars, family & friends houses, and motel rooms that are not counted by "the system."
  • One homeless person is one too many!